”Are you here for funeral? Why don't you go inside?(你是来参加葬礼的吗,为什么不进去呢)?“莉莉安眼睛里闪着泪光问道。
”No, I was just……,passing by(没有,我只是刚刚经过而已)!”石原尴尬地笑了笑
“Passing by?OK!(只是路过吗?那好吧)”莉莉安仿佛看穿了一切,她点点头,两人一起在小树林散步,“Rebecca was my best friend, and her death was an accident(丽贝卡是我最好的朋友,她的死是一场意外)!”
“f death is inevitable, I'm sure she'll thank you in heaven for giving her a wonderful show.(如果死亡无法避免,我相信,她会在天堂感激你,因为是你让她拥有一场绝妙无比的演出)”莉莉安认真的说道,
“Oh, yeah? She really thinks that(是吗,她真的会这样想吗)?”石原有些感动。
”Of course, in fact, she, I, and everyone who was at the show that day, thank you very much. It was an amazing show!(当然,事实上,她,我,还有那天参加演出的所有人,都很感谢你,那天的演出相当震撼)“回忆起那晚的演出,莉莉安的眼睛泛着光芒。
”Oh, really? Thank you(是吗,真的谢谢你)!”石原沉重的心情也轻松了一些。
“I think 90% of us, probably in our lifetime, will never have a performance like this agai(我想,我们当中,90%的人,可能一辈子,再也不会有这样震撼的演出了)“,莉莉安看着石原,”The show that day, it's ours, it's Rebecca's, and it's yours, Ethan.(那天的演出,是我们的,更是属于你的,伊森)。
“...…when someone shows up every day, laughing with you, messing with you, talking with you, arguing with you, unconsciously, she had bee a part of your life(当一个人天天出现在你的面前,和你笑,和你闹,和你说话,和你争吵,不知不觉地,她就成为了你生活里的一部分)……”莉莉安看着石原那双微微泛蓝的迷人眼睛,“……Eason,Can you understand how I feel(伊森,你能明白我的感受吗)?”
”……I,see,just like you do not feel the growth of the flesh on your body(我能明白,就像你不会感觉到身上血肉的生长)……”石原轻轻地说。
“……Until one day, that person suddenly wants to leave you, you find that she has been mixed with your flesh and blood together(要到有一天,那个人忽然离你而去了,你才发现,原来不知道从什么时候开始,她已经和你的血肉混在了一起)……“莉莉安的眼睛里噙满了泪水。
“……I see,her leaving is like tearing a piece of flesh from your body, it hurts like hell, but it doesn't know exactly where it hurts, and it feels empty all of a sudden(我明白,她的离开,就像是要从你身上撕下一块来,疼得要命,可又搞不清楚到底是哪里疼,就觉得一下子变空了)……”石原的目光没有焦点,落在远处不知道哪里的地方……