第134章 卷30(2 / 2)

“Or,” Jake said, “von Flanagan wants to find me and have me pick out some more journalism text-books for him.”


“Much more of this,” Helene said, “and he’ll be cutting up papers instead of editing one.”


They had reached Washington Street. Suddenly Malone said, “I don’t know how you feel, but I need a drink.”


Jake realized that he was tired and hungry and cold. “I need a drink and twenty hours’ sleep.”


“Compromise on two drinks,” Helene said.


Joe the Angel’s City Hall Bar was just opening after the customary brief pause between the patrons who left at five in the morning and the new bunch who dropped in before breakfast. Joe himself was out in back, swearing over a small job of bookkeeping. There was no one in the place except a dapper young man from the state’s attorney’s office, who was getting a few quick ones before showing up at the office, and a solitary and morose drunk left over from the night before.



Malone called for three cups of strong black coffee with two jiggers of Cuban rum poured into each, and looked at his watch. It was just nine o’clock. He asked the bartender for a slug went into the phone booth, and called Mona McClane.


“I thought you might like to know Ross McLaurin is alive and doing nicely.”


“Thank heaven,” she said. “I was worrying. Where is he?”


“In Henrotin Hospital, but don’t worry any more. He’ll pull through.”


There was just the barest pause before she said, “Have you seen the papers?”




“You might look at them. We had a burglary last night.”


She hung up before the lawyer could ask any more questions.


Malone swore angrily, asked the bartender for a paper, and pored over it while he reported the conversation to Jake and Helene.


“There it is,” Jake said, pointing to a small paragraph that told of the attempted burglary of the McClane mansion. Nothing had been taken, and the intruders had got away. However, Mrs. Michael Venning, the former Editha Putnam, who was a guest of Mrs. McClane, and who discovered the burglars, had been slightly injured by a blow on the head.


“Well,” Helene said, after looking at the paper for a long time, “then she wasn’t planning to explore Maple Park last night.”


Jake finished the last of the rum and coffee and went to the telephone.



“I called a pal at the Chicago Avenue police station,” he said when he returned. “Apparently the burglar was in Michael Venning’s room. Venning was out. Out of the house. The cops don’t know where he was. She—Mrs. Venning—went into his room, got conked on the bean, and before the alarm could be given, the burglars got clean away.”


“Malone was silent for a moment. “As you yourself said the other day, it’s wonderful how they go on falling for that old burglary gag after all these years. Too bad Pendley wasn’t on the scene. He probably never had a chance to photograph a burglar before.”


“Helene frowned. “It’s about time I was going home anyway. Maybe I can find out more of what happened. What are you two going to do?”


“We’ll go up to Jake’s apartment,” the lawyer announced. “There won’t be any cops waiting there, I hope. A quick shave and a shower, a little breakfast, and we’ll be ready to tackle a new day.”


Before he could go into any more details, Joe the Angel appeared from the back room.


“Say, Malone, where’ve you been keeping yourself? I been trying to get in touch with you.”


“Did you try calling my office?” Malone asked.


“Sure. But your girl there, she always says you’re out and she don’t know when you’ll be back.”


“She probably thinks you’re someone I owe money to,” Malone said. “What’s on your mind?”


“I guess you don’t know it, but you lost sumpin here the other night. The night that fella was killed, it was. It musta fallen outa your pocket. I figured it wasn’t important or you’da been in here looking for it. I got it around here someplace.”

他在收银机上面和后面、在自己的口袋里、在酒吧后面所有的抽屉里都找了一遍,最后得意洋洋地拿出一把钥匙,只是一把普通的钥匙,钥匙柄上印着数字 114。

He hunted on top of and behind the cash register, through his pockets, and in all the drawers back of the bar, before he triumphantly produced a key, just an ordinary key, with the number 114 printed on its handle.